A communion of persons gathered for worship and public service within the Christian Apostolic tradition

Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church


Ministry in the ACOC spans the full spectrum of Christian ministry. Our Priests and Deacons serve in parishes, civilian and military chaplaincies, social service agencies and teaching institutions.

Atlantic Region

Episcopal Parishes (supply) - Lawrenceville VA area  The Rev. Terrence A. Walker

West Region

Holy Presence Cathoic Comunity                                                                              St. Paul, MN  651-214-8362

Co-Pastors: Rev. Colleen Woodley and Rev. Joan Flood                                         www.holypresence.org

Mid-Continent Region

St. Francis of Assisi Parish                                                                                          Houston, TX  713-266-2456

Pastor: Most Rev. Diana C. Dale

Chaplaincy, Spiritual Care Counseling and Social Service Ministries

Worklife Institute - Workplace Chaplaincy and Counseling Center                     Houston, TX  713-266-2456

Texas Veterans Worklife Transition Program: Most Rev. Diana C. Dale

                                                                                  President / Chaplain

Hope Behavioral Health Care: Counselor Rev. Aric O. Bokker                              Highland, AR 870-751-3813

Houston Methodisst West, Staff Chaplain:  Rev. M. Tod Ziegler                            Houston, TX  832-859-5687

VA Pittsburg Healthcare System Chief Chaplain: Rev. Paul M. Dordal                  Pittsburg, PA 412-999-6913

Education Ministries

Adjunct Instructor, Theology and Ethics:  Rev. Alexandra E. Honigsberg            St. John's University

                                                                                                                                           Queens, NY  917-405-0674

Instructor, History and Rhetoric: Rev. Steven L. Dundas                                         Veritas Collegiate Academy

                                                                                                                                            Chesapeake, VA

The Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church
1900 St. James Place, Suite 880
Houston, TX 77056
Tel: 713..266.2456
Fax: 713.266.0845
Email: BishopDale@apostoliccatholicorthodox.faith

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