Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church

The Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church
1900 St. James Place, Suite 880
Houston, TX 77056
Tel: 713..266.2456
Fax: 713.266.0845
Email: BishopDale@apostoliccatholicorthodox.faith

1900 St. James Place, Houston, TX 77056

Copyright © Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church. All rights reserved.

Who We Are:

The Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church (ACOC) is a communion of persons gathered for worship and public ministry outreach within the Christian apostolic tradition. The ACOC is renewal-oriented, in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council.

The historical roots of the ACOC are found in the ancient Catholic Church of the Netherlands, established by St. Willibrord in the 7th Century, the broadening of the Old Catholic community of independent Catholic churches in the 1870′s, following Vatican Council I, and the North American Old Roman Catholic Church, founded by Archbishop Carmel Henry Carfora after his consecration in 1916.The Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church, with 3 geographic regions in the United States, was incorporated in 1990. The ACOC is in communion with other autonomous Old Catholic churches in North America.

At the foundation of the ACOC are the sacred scriptures, which culminate in witness to the ministry, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who enlivens and teaches the Church through time.

The ACOC affirms the ancient creeds of the Apostolic Christian churches, known as the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. Each member of the ACOC is encouraged to study the scriptures, creeds and church traditions and to interpret them in light of the wisdom gained through meditation on Christian teaching and experience.

The Church encourages its members to initiate centers of worship and outreach ministries in response to the needs of the communities in which they live and work, providing leadership as compassionate and courageous ministers of Christ.

We invite all interested persons to inquire about the ACOC and its various ministries through this web site and by directly contacting the North American chancery and chaplaincy offices.

The Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church is listed in the National Council of Churches Yearbook and is a member of the Association of Religious Endorsing Bodies and of other pastoral care endorsing organizations.

A communion of persons gathered for worship and public service within the Christian Apostolic tradition